Chessian Consultants Private Ltd - Shipping and Delivery Policy


LetMeDesign – Website Designing Services


Service Delivery

LetMeDesign, a brand under Chessian Consultants Private Ltd, specializes in crafting unique and compelling digital identities through website design. Our services are delivered through the following approach:

  • Initial Consultation: Upon engaging LetMeDesign’s services, clients will have an initial consultation to discuss their design needs, brand identity, and project scope.

  • Design and Development: Our skilled team of designers and developers will work on creating and refining the website design based on the client’s requirements.

  • Review and Revisions: Clients will have the opportunity to review the design and provide feedback. We offer a set number of revision rounds to ensure satisfaction.

  • Finalization and Delivery: Once the design is approved, we finalize the project and deliver the website design files to the client.

Project Timeline

  • Project Duration: The duration of each project may vary based on its complexity and the client’s responsiveness during the review process.



LetMeStudy – E-learning Services


Course Access

LetMeStudy, another brand under Chessian Consultants Private Ltd, focuses on revolutionizing education through innovative e-learning experiences. Our online training courses are delivered digitally, and access is provided as follows:

  • Instant Access: Upon successful payment confirmation, learners will receive instant access to the purchased courses through our online learning platform.

Technical Requirements

  • Internet Connection: To access LetMeStudy’s online training courses, a stable internet connection is required.

  • Device Compatibility: Courses are accessible on various devices, including computers, tablets, and smartphones. Please check the technical requirements for optimal performance.

Lost Access or Technical Issues

If learners encounter any issues accessing purchased courses or experience technical difficulties, they can contact our Technical Support team:

  • LetMeDesign Technical Support Email: admin@letmedesign.org

  • LetMeStudy Technical Support Email: admin@letmestudy.org

Refund Policy

Please review our [Refund Policy] for information regarding refunds and cancellations for both LetMeDesign and LetMeStudy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Service Delivery, Technical Support, or Refund Policy, please contact our Customer Service team:

  • Chessian Consultants Private Ltd Customer Service Email: admin@chessianconsultants.com


  • Business Days: Our customer service operates on [5 Days of the Week], excluding public holidays.