How Work Policies and Hiring Practices Affect Digital Transformation

There’s a good possibility that your company is undergoing a digital revolution. You can be just starting the process or well into the period of continual improvement. You should think about how your recruiting and employment rules can support or undermine your efforts wherever you are.
Technology talent is required for digital transformation, and the competition for such expertise is severe today. Through August of 2021, the US added 13,000 positions on average every month in the IT sector. The pandemic’s effects on the economy, corporate models, and consumer behaviour have expedited the movement toward digital transformation. According to Arthur Hu, CIO of Lenovo Group Ltd., “The talent market is quite competitive and getting more so, given the continuing importance of digital transformation and digital business models.”

This implies that practically all businesses today must access the same global talent pool for technology. As a result, salaries are rising, but providing bigger salaries is no longer sufficient to set your business apart from rivals vying for the same talent.

Due to the pandemic that started in 2020, remote work became the norm. Some businesses provide flexibility regarding work-from-home options in an effort to draw and keep digital talent. However, it’s interesting to note that the value of many on-site services, such as catered meals and in-office entertainment, that some technology firms previously used to persuade employees to remain at the office has decreased as a result of remote work.

For the digital transformation, new talent attractors
Companies must find innovative approaches that appeal to the intrinsic qualities of technology experts in order to attract and keep talent in the changing work environment. A few of these are:

A culture of appreciation exists when IT professionals believe they are directly developing solutions that have an influence on the business of the organisation. They are more inclined to consider themselves long-term employees if their leadership acknowledges their accomplishments.

Possibility of working on novel projects: People in the technology industry frequently look for novel challenges and intriguing difficulties to practise their problem-solving abilities. By providing obvious opportunities to break away from typical work and pursue new approaches, technology leaders may make their organisations more appealing to prospective and present technology personnel.
Continuous learning is essential since technology is always changing and knowledge ages quickly. They ensure that their staff has the skills to tackle growing issues, and their employees feel that the company is willing to invest in them for the long term. Technology leaders that help their people in continuous learning to keep their skills current enjoy a double benefit.

The ability to hire persons with non-technical backgrounds for technical positions is another advantage of establishing a culture of continuous learning at your organisation. You can look to hire people with additional specific knowledge and teach them the skills they need to fill technological roles if you have a continuous programme for upskilling and reskilling personnel. This not only increases your talent pool but also opens up new career opportunities for current workers and enables you to bring in fresh viewpoints to your IT team.

If you create a culture that draws in and keeps the greatest personnel, you can meet all of the obstacles you confront more easily as the CIO or CTO in charge of a digital transformation programme.